Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ping-Pong Results

So today was ping-pong day, and so here are the Stats of the games:
  • 2 Ping-Pong balls annihilated (We only had 2)
  • 1 Person Injured several time (Me)
  • 4 People hit by my Fireball smash (Including my self)
  • 1 Moving van hit by a volleyball (That was me)
  • 1 garage floor ruined by reckless pogo usage (By my self)
  • 1 Good inside joke invented (Oh velhina roubou meu carro porra!)
  • 1 made up gibberish languange with Jamaican accents Not learned (Yep two brazilian guys playing ping pong with two Jamaican girls. Bet you never seen THAT before)
  • 1 useless trip to:
  1. 2 Publix
  2. 1 Wallgreens
  • 0 things learned. Absolutely nothing. Actually i totally discovered i can ride a pogo stick. Make that 1!
'm starting to think I am a public hazard considering all of the property damage i managed to inflict playing only Ping-Pong.

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