Thursday, April 16, 2009

How to...

In the U.S, there's a particularly high rate on how to spend a free night in jail. Some of them involve evading arrest, assaulting an officer or just being mean to mail-boxes (this may require a baseball bat). However there are always weird laws that will get you arrested if you're pulled over by a semi-pissed off cop. And they will, eventually. Seriously you just don't die without some form of criminal record, I'm pretty sure it was Ben Franklin who said, and I'm paraphrasing this, "You can't be sure about anything in life but death and taxes... Oh and getting arrested, that too."

And I trust his words, the man pretty much founded America (he was a president... right?), plus he got fresh with a lot of French women (I'm sure that's why the French never liked us a lot), a tradition many American High school graduates backpacking still carry on to this day. But WHY did Big Ben (heh It's a British pun, get it?) say such a thing (he did, right?)? I'll tell you why! Because he knew we would have stupid laws that would catch us out of surprise and get us arrested.

I don't mean to pass judgment but I simply want to dwell deeper into why these laws even exist. Such as:

You cannot view Moose from an Airplane.... I cannot find the rationale behind this law. Therefore you must look deeper into why you cannot do this. These things are not outlawed for no good reason. Maybe it has to do with it being illegal to push a Moose out of a moving airplane (airborne not specified). This also means someone did this at one point to usher a law about it, which brings into light the sanity (or lack of thereof) of the Alaskan people...

There are also events in life which our government tells us is actually a lie. And then they proceed to completely contradict them selves for no apparent reasons in a public display of idiocy.

For example, our government repeatedly told us that project Blue Book was to keep track of Soviet technology during the Cold war, however, it seems focused on Alien (rather then soviet) technology. Another example, which is far more retarded and obvious, may be the Arizona Firefighters training manual, which deals directly with... ahem....... and this is not a joke....

UFO encounters. Seriously. Right on the manual. Ok seriously how many times do aliens visit freaking Arizona anyways? Whats in Arizona that seems to be so interesting to Aliens? This is one of the regions with the most reported UFO encounters. Roswell must be full of "Alien" gold and if thats the case, by god, we should start taking advantage of that. Either that, or Nuke Arizona (whats that? we have? Never mind then). No one will REALLY miss it, seriously...
But honestly, what prompts them to have to write about aliens in their manual? I understand wanting to be prepared, they're firefighters after all.

But it does seem silly that Arizona, of all places, would do that, considering its the Alien Meccha of the world, and not only that, but it does seem odd that they'd be descriptive enough to go into how to treat an alien and even what might happen once you get to a crash site.

(Do you even know how long it takes me to upload one of these videos? Ughhh)

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