Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cazuza e mais.

I had a great idea for a post I will be making tomorrow. Sadly this is not it. No, this is completely different. This is a derrogatory post pointing out how much more awesome my country is then yours. One of many, I'm sure...

In this segment, lets analyze just how much more awesome our singers are.

First off, there is Cazuza, the greatest poet to ever live.
This is Cazuza. He's good. He's really good. He's pretty freaking incredible.

How incredible? If I told you the most beautiful love song he wrote has the word blender (yes the kitchen appliance) in it, and it still makes people cry? Yes, thats how awesome he is. He wrote in blender in a love song that is not a joke. Beat that.

Bask in the glory of the Blender
No Seriously you just Can't beat that. It's legally proven you can't. Ok maybe not but it should be.

Are you still doubting his awesomeness? Fine, then. This man died of AIDS. Whats so remarkable about that? Whats so remarkable is that he would sing still near the end of his life. He didn't do it for the money, he did it for the love of his music. During his shows, he would have to stop constantly, because he didn't have the strenght to sing anymore. No other singer was ever that dedicated. He sang through sickness and imprinted his name into Brasilian history forever.

Oh and he got into an orgy with 8 people one time. And hooked up with incredibly stupidly ridiculously hot people (read people because he hooked up with more hot girls AND boys than you ever will, ever).  Needless to say he was badassedly awesome.

The next in our list is absolutely one of my favorite singers in this world, ladies and gentlemen, Renato Russo:

This is Renato Russo. He was the singer of one of my favorite bands in the whole world, LegiĆ£o Urbana.

Whats so remarkable about this man? Easy. He was the best song writer to ever be born. In Brasil? No, of course not. In the world. If you spoke portuguese, your mind would be blown by the incredible awesomeness of his lyrics. The man wrote an explicit song about sex and no one noticed. And its blatanly obvious if you think about it. Yeah.

Being awesome as he is, he would not be content singing only in portuguese, determined to blow the universe's mind by singing in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and the language of Planet X.*

*May not be true

This man was more intellectual then you could ever think. Philologist that he was, he knew a plethora of languages, which he spoke fluently. He was also surprisingly intelligent, yet he was connected to the real world. Using these gifts of non-isolationism, charisma, and stupefying intelligence, he wrote some of the best songs in Brasilian Rock with his band. So awesome was this man that one band could not contain him, leading to the creation of ANOTHER one of Brasil's great rockbands, Capital Inicial, split from the Original band Aborto Eletrico, which ironically gave birth to two great bands (the irony is in that it means Electric abrotion, however it gave birth. Heh, funny).

Not content in being the awesomest thing to walk the landscape at his time, he went on to write a story in a song about a man called Joao de Santocristo. This was called Faroeste Caboclo, a song that extends for 9 minutes with odd verses, weird language, very little colloquialism used, yet making perfect sense, easy to understand, however nearly impossible to sing, in the perspective of proffessional singers, which find the timing and the wording so out of context yet so perfect they're baffled anyone wrote it. Not only that, but defying, nay, breaking Occam's razor's nose, then shoveling crap on top of it, the song is the single most famous song by the band, and a national treasure.

In fact it is so impossibly hard to explain how he turned out to be so awesome considering his geeky weirdish background I won't try to explain it. I'll just give you a video of Faroeste Caboclo and Codinome Beija-Flor(The Cazuza song with the word Blender in it).

Faroeste Caboclo:

Codinome Beija-Flor:

(The last video actually really hurts me, you can tell he's sick already at this point, so tragic)


  1. That's really cool, how you admire those guys. Honestly, I like that Cazuza character. I heard one of this songs--that flower one?--and was taken aback. He's really cool. =)

  2. Beija-Flor actually means Hummingbird, but the song has nothing to do with that.
