As you know, racism is a big issue today in America. As you could have guessed if you knew me well enough I absolutely don't care about it. Then why, you ask, am I posting this? Let me ask you something back instead: Don't you ever quit making stupid questions? Seriously just read the damn blog, Christ...
Anyways. I'm a racist. Yes I've said it. I'm a horrible bigot, lynching racist. Who do I direct this racism to? Blacks? Hispanics? Whites? Communists? Aliens? Dolphins? No, people, I do not hate humans (or dolphins for that matter). I'm talking about Ants. Yes, ants, not a typo, before you ask (you ask too many questions).
So you ask me, why, do I call it racism if they're ants? Wouldn't that be specie...ism? First of
f, shut up and quit asking stupid questions. Seriously I already said it twice, stupid reader involving writing technique. Secondly, yes, it might be. But lets face it, the tag racism is probably going to attract much more attention to this blog from serious people expecting serious posts. Which I obviously provide*
*Probably not really true
So lets get on track. Why do I hate ants? Because they're absolutely evil. That's why. Imagine the communists, but 18x worst and only two times smarter. Now completely ignore those numbers BECAUSE THEY'RE ANTS SO THEY CAN'T BE COMPARED TO COMMUNISTS! Some people say ants are fascinated, they even write articles such as this
one, claiming ants to be an intelligent society, and should be considered a civilization apart from human beings. You might say there's no harm done in writing an innocent article claiming ants to be intelligent primitive civilizations that could never possibly be a threat. You're absolutely wrong, and incredibly stupid.
Meet my little friends, the voraciously violent and completely freaking insane, The Amazon Army Ant. These ants are truly insane little bastards, way more then your usual ant, which you
probably already find amusingly obnoxious. But this isn't Obnoxious level annoyance. No, this is "Get the hell out of our way or we'll eat the HELL out of YOU buddy!" type of annoyance. And that's pretty high up there. These ants have the tendency to act as Legionnaires, not creating nests and acting absolutely

insane for the majority of their lives, raiding living beings in their way, and never settling
anywhere. These are the little vikings of the ant world, but
hundreds of times more messed up. Seriously, the bastards are so messed up in fact they may have killed Darwin; they haven't evolved in 100 million years. They basically got up to evolutions face, took her home, gave her food, made love, then it simply bitch smacked it and spit in its face, left it's apartment and never called back.
But now you're telling me, hey Mr.T, you're stating (which is an improvement from asking all the damn time), these are not the same ants they had in the article up there. Those built nests! And you're absolutely correct. They do not. Which means they're an incredibly mobile, powerful army ready to strike at any time. Once the ants mount a coalition and decide to decimate the humans from this earth, they already have a ready-to-go army of insane soldiers trained to KILL YOU! They can just leave the logistics and the fancy "building" to the smart ants. All THEY need to do is slaughter the hell out of you, and they are pretty used to that anyways. And don't tell you I did not warn you. I pity the fool who doesn't listen to me. And no, I will not protect you.

In any case, you may be asking your self (and thank god for that, I hate it when you ask ME!) "Well, I mean sure but they're not technologically advanced. They're ants, whats the worst they could do?" Let me tell you what. Humans have been on this earth for over two million years. That's a lot, last I heard. Do you know how long we just kind of wandered around and did absolutely nothing, kind of like the ants? A long time. We didn't start settling until very recently even in hour own history of existence. We stayed the same for over one million years before we started actually doing something with our lives, and we only did so because we stumbled into a lot of great things that allowed us to leave nomadic living. Ants have been living in one place for Milena. Who is to say they will not suddenly decide to evolve into say... a super power with biotechnology, due to them discovering something (after all, they can teach, and apparently constructing things is not in their genes, its discovered)?
It is only a matter of time before ants attack us with nukes, those little communist bastards they are. I advocate a preemptive strike on those little buggers, before they invade the U.S.A and annihilate humanity. Which they will. I just know so.
Ahaha, that's really funny. You and your... Ants. It would be so funny if your house were invaded by ants en masse. :P I don't really see why you make such a big deal about them, though. They're really small and are nothing short of a minor annoyance. And the big ones are really far away! What're the chances that they'll all come here? Haha... Ha...
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you put alot of thought into this. I love the fact that the human race will wiped out due to ants, because you know theres not one thing out there that is more deadly then a giant, mutant, homicidal, ant. How ironic.
ReplyDeleteI actually found a picture of Ants in the National Geographic in class and thought of you and this blog.
ReplyDeleteI actually thought it would be the cockroaches who would create nukes and destroy the world because they can live through it. You should be more afraid of cockroaches!
@One Gray Wolf: Minor menaces until they start building weapons...
ReplyDelete@Rebecca: I put a lot of thought in every post I make. This is a very, very serious blog, with very, very serious issues, such as complete extermination. But I do not believe these ants will be gigantic (That would be even MORE horrific). I guess the small size makes us underestimate them. They're thrice as dangerous this way (and may i say, much smaller targets too)...
@Alicia: I'm glad when you see the future conquerors of the world and our possible new slave masters you remember me :) However Ants are more likely to nuke then cockroaches us because they're smart (I hear they get great math SAT scores, but that might be a stereotype). Also they don't have a silly name. What threat something called a cockroach could possibly pose?