Thursday, April 2, 2009

How I get things done...

This is not a conventional post. It won't have witty remarks, pictures of Mr.T spread around randomly, narcissistic remarks, or disguised phallic allegory. It won't contain opinions, it won't contain TOO much Logical fallacy. It will be a simple post. A post on how I do things.

If you know me well, and I don't believe you do, you would know I have what I call my Black Notebook. This is where I write down, for lack of a better generalizing word, things. Now, note that the Black Notebook is not actually black in this incarnation. In fact this is the 6th Incarnation of the Black Notebook, So it is Black Notebook #4. (Black Notebook and Black Notebook #0 being the first two, if the math didn't add up)

Here, I write down ideas, any random train of thought that might be salvageable, coherent, or slightly interesting. Sadly I can't refer to my old notes because all of the previous incarnations of these books have been burned. In two different incidents.
You could say I am a man with weird luck. Numbers - to 1 (the first three books) burned to the ground over 5 years ago, when my grandmothers apartment caught on fire. All of my baby pictures, as well as many of my earliest (probably not) good ideas were burned to the ground, as well as most of her worldly possessions.

Book #3 died in a very similar yet almost unbelievably unpredictable way. Book #3 was borrowed to a friend of mine over sophmore winter break. He kept it with him for some time, and took it with him to the exterior. In his journeys, #3 found itself in London. On the Market district, in fact. That same market district that decided to incinerate it self one of these days. It was the day the book was there. In total, the book was burned, as well as nearly fifty Euros and a map, with the backpack.

Now, you're pointing out that it would still leave out #2 and the newest ones. Those are the ones I still have, and which I have been taking ideas out from for these blogs for the last few months. If you love it, you have those books to thank, if you hate it, hint, the newest black book is actually red. You know, in case you feel like you must destroy this plague of bad humor from the world.

1 comment:

  1. thats funny how they burned like that. So what, is it like a diary? or would you rather call it a journal, you being a guy and everything?
