Tuesday, February 17, 2009


...has absolutely nothing to do with this post. However, here's a picture of a cheeseburger:

Moving on, I'd like to talk about Monty Python.  Now, I know what you're saying, "but Mr.T, Whats a Python doing in a Monty... and is this Monty Canadian by any chance?" No, this Monty is not Canadian, and you're a moron. Damn you Rhetoric writing strategy and your stupid questions!

 Monty Python was actually a British comedy troupe that started it all. They were featured on TV at the BBC channel, starting their fame for insanity and non-sequitor comedy, unrelated skits, and dead parrots. On the spirit of lazyness and crappy comedic value because I'm feeling rather unwitty tonight, I'll be making a list of my favorite skits from Monty Python.
#10: Always Look On the Bright Side of life! Always Look on the bright side of death!

Always Look on the bright side of death!
#9: Romanes Eunt Domus 

Reminds me of my Latin Class with Dr. Lyons. No seriously, he threatens us with swords!
#8: I fart in your general direction!

Your Mother was a Hamster!
#7: Knights who say Ni!

"No, Not the Knights who say Ni!"
#6: 'Tis Nothing but a flesh wound! (The Black Knight)

"'Tis Nothing but a scratch!"
#5: Ministry of Silly Walks

Ah, the Ministry of Silly walks. This one is one of my classic favorites.  I really don't think I need to put commentary to the comedic value of this piece. Hey you laughed!

#4: The dead Parrot
It's just sleeping, Really!

#3: Spam
Hey you laughed! 

#2: What have the Romans...

"Yeah reg, remember what the city used to be like."


And Now for something completely different...


  1. I also love Monty Python! My favorite skit is the suicidal leaf. It is a short cartoon from "Life of Brian" (I think).

    Have you seen "Flight of the Conchords" on HBO. Sometimes they are a bit Monty Python-ish. I would recommend it...the David Bowie skit is hilarious.

  2. I LOVE MONTY PYTHON. It's the best humor out there. And I agree with Ms Stoklosa, Flight of the Conchords is hilarious. They're coming here in April if you didn't know. But the knights who say Ni are my favorite. I can't help but literally rofl.
