Tuesday, February 24, 2009


This be Jose E., I'm happy to guest-star in my friend REALLY AWESOME PERSON WHO IS REALLY AWESOME TADEU'S award winning blog for randomness. Anyways, tomorrow is my fist water-polo game of the season( why would u care, well i frankly don't give a &*%^ if you care or not, besides its my post!) hence i decided to talk/ brainwash you with ideas about the sport of water-polo. You could not imagine the Adrenaline rush going through me right now as i write this post and i know it will not be very pleasing for me tomorrow in the game, in fact a quite bloody and painful four 6minute quarters. Although many people think its a kind of laid back, softy sport, those people should immediately be dropped in the middle of the ocean without anything and try to stay afloat for hours while holding one of their arms up high and being repeatedly kicked in the stomach, and then we'll see what they really think of water-polo. The words soft, polite, considerate, clean, and family jewels do not exist in the vocabulary of the water-polo. I am TELLING YOU right now that water-polo is one of the harshest, most spirit-breaking , most unforgiving, dirtiest, nipple twisting, ass pinching... i can go on although i think it might get inappropriate, but the point is that you will respect the water-polo or else! and just to enforce that, here's a picture of Mr. T.:
"I pity the Fool who don't respect the water-polo!"

Anyways, the team at Cypress is looking good for the moment. Our coach has taken the liberty as well as done us a favor to force us to swim for hours until we can't feel our legs and to perform drills where you get harassed more than Bush(although she throws really well- pumped, hard as brick balls at us instead of a shoe, and there is no dodging, her aim is too good!). But I know this hardship will pay-off tomorrow at the game. Coincidentally, we face our toughest opponent, Flannagan high(porque Jesus?? :-( ?) so i ask you, the reader to pray for the team, and luckily, we'll win instead of dislocating any bones, or drowning. Anyways, here's a video about dirty, painful, and immoral fun, go to 1:01(that one really hurts!)

PS. Before you complain, no one dies in the making of this video as well as the actual game play, besides, you actually thought for a moment that I'm as messed up as Tadeu? I would never post a video of someone dying! Jesus!!!
Don't forget to tune into the after shock on Friday for a special report on the Cypress varsity water-polo team.

Tadeu to Jose: I can edit your posts, so for every purposeful misspelling of my name there will be a rainbow on your post. Thats two. Sorry!

With lack of love, and maybe a little bit of spite,

-Mr. T
-And Thank You Jose for the contribution, you're the Greatest/ most brilliant friend ever! I wish I was as brilliant , handsome, and GREAT as you!

P.S: Yeah I enlarged those words for the purpose of hilarity. I laughed.

1 comment:

  1. I think that Water Polo seems like a very fun intense sport. I have friends who play Water Polo and it takes a lot endurance to keep yourself above the water for the entire game. I would like to try playing it some day, but my muscles burn after a bit of staying afloat.
