Thursday, February 19, 2009


So as an experiment that might totally be against class rules, I have decided to allow my friend over at True*Rock*NEVER*Dies to post on my blog. Now now, I know it sounds all "controversial" and "retarded" and what not, but listen, hey, Its my blog. Free speech man, I KNOW MY RIGHTS!

Do not worry, because I know this won't affect the high standards (read: No standards at all) and accurate fact checking (read: do WORK? For a SCHOOL assignment? Are you mad?) that this blog is known for, because I will be personally be reading and checking everything that comes in before it is posted.*

*Um... Ok maybe not.

In any case, I'm sure this will work out fine, and add more interesting topics of intense madness to the fray of non-sequitur (Sequitur shows as incorrect on spell checking: English fail on the part of senseless posts I make by my self, and maybe even better the reading experience for the one and a half human readers and the Army of murderous ants trying to annihilate me for uncovering their secret biddings on world domination.

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